Thursday, May 21, 2009

We're About To Gay It Up!!!

Welcome to Gays In The Life! We're Joe and Meta, a coupla gays in the life from different sides of the tracks. Please, allow us to introduce ourselves...

Joseph Heaton was untimely ripped from his mother's womb (if you know that reference you are also gay) on May 22, 1980 at the Hinsdale Hospital and Sanitarium. (seriously, it says that on my birth certificate.) From an early age, Joseph showed a propensity for the gay. Video footage of him dancing to the entire score of Dirty Dancing confirms that Joe is a homo.

Meta Kroker aka Luke Skywalker(this is what she used to tell people her name was) was born November 30th, 1976 to a couple of homo lovin sons 'a guns. It was apparent that Meta was in a "gay way" early on when she chopped off the long blonde hair of her baby doll and promptly named the doll "Baseball Boy". Photographic evidence of her butch tendencies abound, leaving no doubt that Meta is, and always has been, a huge lez.

Now, let us introduce our gay blog. As you may have already concluded, Joe and I are *whispered hush* gay. We like to talk about all things gay, gay people, gay history, gay animals, gay gays. We figured since we like to talk about all things gay, we should write about all things gay, because surely(Don't call me Shirley!) we could find folks who'd want to read about all things gay. So welcome to our little blog, please feel free to comment on our posts, our pictures, our awesomeness, we'd love to hear what you have to say. We do hope you enjoy your time here!


Meta and Joe


Jessica Cakuls said...

Welcome to the gayborhood, M and J! I'm going to bring over some pies and fried chicken later as well as my famous ambrosia salad.

Now that I'm your first follower and have officially deflowered your site, I'm going to make it a mix tape.

shiffman said...

Untimely ripped from his mother's womb is directly from Macbeth. I know that because I am an English teacher, but I suppose that makes me a little bit gay, too. Right? :)